Marketing tips

  1. Less is more when it comes to copy! Remember, all the key info will be on your promo page so don’t try and max out each assets character limit!
  2. All copy, including text shown on images must be written in third person, as you’re speaking to our audience about your brand. Eg: ‘Join Us’, instead present as ‘Join {Your Company Name}’.
  3. Don’t forget your logo! Provide every image with your logo.
  4. If your images have small copy/print showing, check they are clear and the consumer can read them. If a consumer can’t read your copy, they will feel mislead or deterred. Remember, all the key info will be on your promo page including your terms and conditions.
  5. Sanity check your images, content and tone to ensure it’s appropriate and online safe.
  6. We keep things fair, so please ensure your copy and images are not degrading of another retailer. If unsure, check with our team as we’re here to provide guidance.
  7. If possible provide all images with a source file (in .psd, .ai formats).
  8. Allow minimum 7 business days prior to your launch date for drafts/editing/approval process.