Dedicated promo page

Broadband Compare checklist

  • Text: Approx 200 words

    This copy will make up the body of your promo page
  • Image spec size: 1200 x 630px .JPG, or .PNG

    Provide an image with your graphic elements, logo and slogan. Avoid small text that can be unreadable
  • Select a maximum of x3 plan cards to present at the bottom of this page
  • MUST: provide your specific promotional offer’s terms and conditions in a summarized bullet point format. Include necessary hyperlinks

See an example

Power Compare checklist

  • Headline: 50 character limit
  • Subheading: 120 character limit
  • Text: 160 character limit
  • Image spec size: 1200 x 630px .JPG, .PNG or .PSD

    Place graphic elements (logo, brand imagery, etc) to the right side
  • Body copy text: Approx 200 words

    This copy will make up the body of your promo page, and must include your T&Cs link
  • Features section
x3 Icon Images: 230x230px (optional)
x3 features copy: (heading) 4 words max, (text) 30 words max or less

See an example